Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Trying this again!

I'm not super poetic & I'm not really a writer but I do want to create an outlet for my thoughts & what's going on, so here goes.

I am 31 years old, (ugh!), I live in Mississippi & have for my entire life! I am married to the love of my life, Kevin. He is incredibly special & I am so lucky to have found him. We have 3 beautiful little boys. Eli is 4 years old & so sweet. He is so shy & mostly laid back. He, like all of us, has his moments. Joshua is 2 years old & also sweet, but strong willed. He is not at all shy or laid back. He loves for everything to be going his way! Jacob is almost 4 months old. He was born on June 22 & I don't think there has ever been a sweeter baby. He always has a big, beautiful smile for anyone that talks to him & he is a cuddler. Of course, all of my boys love to cuddle which works out well because I do, too!

I work part-time outside the home. I am only away from the boys about 4 hours per day. I try to look at it as a nice break. The boys either stay home with Kevin, (he works 2nd shift, 3pm to 11pm) or they stay with my mom. That is really a life saver. I wouldn't be able to leave them if I had to take them to daycare! At least this way I know that they are with people that love them the way I do! Anyway, I've worked for Covenant Express for 9 1/2 years. Really, since I was a child (22 years old). I've learned alot there & I am glad to work there.

We plan to homeschool our kids. I was homeschooled & I liked it & with the endoctrination that goes on in public schools now I don't want someone else to teach my kids how they should think. I think that happens far too often in schools.

I am a born-again Christian. I was saved by grace when I was 6 years old. I have had times when I wasn't walking the Christian life as I should & for those times I am truely sorry. Luckily, I have a Savior that forgives my trespasses & loves me through all of it! I was blessed to be raised in a family that loves the Lord & that has always been a part of our lives. For that I am eternally thankful (literally)!

I am, I guess, what you would call an "Extreme Right-Wing Conservative". I suppose a liberal might even call me a "Kook", but I have very conservative values. I enjoy politics, mostly. They do begin to drive me crazy after a while but I believe our freedoms depend on who we elect to public office. The presidential election that is coming up, I believe, may be the most important of our lifetime. We will make a decision on November 4th that could change the whole make-up of our country. While neither candidate is ideal, in my opinion, I believe that John McCain is the best choice. Barack Obama has dreams of changing our Capitalist country into a Socialist country, ie: redistributing wealth & creating an even bigger welfare state than what we already have.

I tend to be a bit of a worrier, so I will be happy when the election is over. All I know to do about the election, besides vote, is pray hard & pray often.

Well, that's a little about me. I am just a regular girl. I love God, I love my family & I love my country. I am very fortunate in many ways.

1 comment:

Lainey-Paney said...

well, welcome to the blogosphere. you have arrived.