Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Getting Ready

Well, now is the time of year that Kevin starts saying stuff like "If we don't get started with Christmas shopping we'll have it all to do at the last minute". For some reason, this year I have NO IDEA what anyone is getting for Christmas! Usually I at least have an idea. I am so unprepared and I have so much to do! We are going on a short vacation in 4 weeks so I may save some shopping for Gatlinburg. That's a nice place to get gifts! For the boys, I'm at a loss because they couldn't possibly need anything less than they need toys but what fun is Christmas morning without toys?? I don't know, I'm sure something will come up, hopefully soon!

I love this time of year though. It's starting to be crisp outside. I would much rather be cold than hot. None of my boys sleep with blankets. I, on the other hand love to be cuddled down under a couple blankets in a cool room. It's hard to have a cool room when all the boys are either in undies or diapers...yes this includes Jacob. He is the worst cover kicker that I have! He's so funny. He will squirm & kick until he gets the covers completely off but he just continues to snooze!

We took the boys to the fall festival at church Saturday night. Eli dressed as Indiana Jones, complete with "snap" or whip to you that don't know the lingo. Joshua was Woody from Toy Story complete with a horse to "ride". His legs were the horse's back legs. Jacob was dressed as a dalmation. He was less than thrilled with the evening but Eli & Joshua had the time of their lives. They had a huge slide & they both loved it. Then they did the whole Trunk or Treat thing. We have been juiced up on sugar all week. They had a great time & it was so fun to watch them. Joshua isn't in the least bit shy but Eli is painfully, but now at church he's starting to loosen up a little & be more outgoing. He's alot like me, kind of quiet & reserved.

Anyway, that's what's been going on. Getting ready for Christmas & vacation & all of that.....

1 comment:

Lainey-Paney said...

what cute Halloween pics!