Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Biggest Reason I'm A Conservative Republican

The thing that makes me sick during an election year is the unknown. By that I mean you really can't know until the end of the day whether or not anyone actually listened to what the candidates were actually saying. There is a group, hopefully small, that vote for the liberal guy no matter what. They don't really know what he stands for because he's never actually said what he stands for. He's used alot of smoke & mirrors & for a liberal who is not much of a thinker he sounds "eloquent". They think having "liberal" ideals makes them cool or sophisticated when really it just makes them wrong.
Liberal ideals have given us legal abortion. Murdering the closest people to completely innocent that there is. Then, if one of these INNOCENT BABIES make it through the attempted abortion liberal ideals have said that it's okay to go ahead & "finish the job" so that the mother is not "burdened". Barack Obama said in a speech, talking about "educating" kids about pregnancy & STD & the issue coming up with his daughters, "I don't want her punished with a baby or an STD at 16". PUNISHED WITH A BABY! Are you kidding me? Did you know that Barack Obama has already said that he would sign a bill called "The Freedom of Choice Act" within his first 100 days. This act would make ANY abortion, late-term & even partial birth, legal. They use the line "because of the mother's health". I believe that it will be open season on precious unborn babies if he is elected.
This issue alone is enough for me to detest liberalism & all that it stands for. While there are countless other issues, this one should make anyone think twice before voting. I will continue to pray every time this election crosses my mind. I hope that all Christians will pray! I know God will hear our prayers.

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